Monday, April 25, 2011

Is it Sinful to Eat Deviled Eggs?

I'm back from a break after the holiday! And I didn't eat a TON of candy! Don't get me wrong...I totally wanted to. I really love chocolate. I did have a few pieces, but just a few. It's easier to resist the temptation when you can eat fruit, which I've added back in to my diet. That was glorious...strawberries at breakfast, and orange with lunch. When you deprive yourself a little bit, you enjoy it so much more.

So Easter is over. What are you gonna do with all those gosh darned eggs you boiled for Easter Egg hunts? Devil them!

Deviled Eggs are so easy to make! And they make a great breakfast or protein packed snack. 2 boiled eggs is roughly 200 calories, only 2g of sugar, and a whopping 17g of protein! Here is how I make them: Cover eggs with water in a large pot, crank up the heat, when a rolling boil has just started cover the pan and remove from heat. Let sit for 10 mins. Drain water and allow eggs to cool.  Peel eggs and halve lengthwise. Gently scoop out the yolks. Mash with just a little bit of mayo and a teensy bit of honey mustard. Scoop yolk mixture back into egg white. Sprinkle with paprika. So delicious!

I think about food a lot, and was trying to decide what the blog should be about today. I was like, "Well it's Easter, holiday, leftovers....*lightbulb*....eggs!" Then I started thinking about how it was kinda weird to eat deviled leftovers from a Christian holiday. I know, my brain takes interesting pathways of thought. Then I started thinking, "Well what makes an egg 'deviled' anyway?" And I found this interesting website. If you're curious about the history of deviled eggs, click here:

Very informative!

Side note....Our vegetable fairy is coming tonight!  I'm so excited. I mentioned in an earlier blog that in our efforts to fill our diets with produce, we're getting organic goodies delivered right to our door! We're getting this service through Full Circle Farms. If you're interested in that sort of thing, click here:  Their new member deal is still going! Between now and MAY 3, if you sign up and put SPRINGTIME as your promo code, and say that Eileen or Michael Rojas sent you we can each save $15 bucks! Pretty sweet deal.

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