Friday, June 24, 2011

Paleo PMS Bonus? And CrossFit Inspiration!

Sorry, may not want to read this. It's mostly for the ladies. It's cool if you want to stick around though.

My period actually managed to surprise me yesterday. Seriously. Usually there is this long prelude of crying over Hallmark Card commercials, sore boobs, bloating, cramping. I had NONE of that. Zero. I was shocked. Technically, today would be day 2. I should be doubled over in crippling pain right now. It generally feels like a small animal is trying to fork it's way out of my uterus. I feel fine. Did my WOD this morning, visited two dog parks with the Murph (he went SWIMMING!), cooked breakfast for a late lunch. Overall, pretty awesome day. I googled this phenomenon and saw that this blessing has fallen among other female Paleoticians as well. It even helped erase one young woman's uterine fibroids. BONUS! I'm so excited about this. I had no idea this would happen. Hopefully it will help alleviate some of the other health issues I've been experiencing. It also could explain why I've been a food MONSTER for the past week.

Now I would like to offer up a bit of CrossFit Inspiration. Hubs and I love to watch CrossFit videos online, tutorials, work-outs, all kinds of stuff and I stumbled across this amazing video of a young woman who has Cerebral Palsy. Long story short, cerebral palsy does all kinds of horrible stuff to your body through your brain and nervous system. It can be mild or severe, affect one or both sides of the body. This young lady happens to also be partially blind. Seeing what she could do brought tears to my eyes and filled me with hope about my own future. Check it out. If she can do it, you can too.

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